
16:57 < Hisham_RIPENCC> Hello. Welcome to the Plenary session from 16:00- 17:30. My name is Hisham Ibrahim from the RIPE NCC. I will be monitoring chat during this session. If you have a question or comment, I can read it out for you. Please make your questions as clear as possible. I will read out any questions when the speaker asks for questions at the end of his/her presentation. Please note that all chat transcripts will be archived and made available to the pub
16:59 -!- Felipe_NCC [] has joined #plenary
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17:02 < Hisham_RIPENCC> Alan Mauldin, TeleGeography, has begun the presentation "The Flat Earth Theory: Convergence of Prices Around the World".
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17:10 < ripe265> Hello. Is there a problem with the video stream? I get "error 201" clip not found
17:10 < AlisonW> "Whatever the market will bear"
17:11 < AlisonW> ripe265: no problems that I'm seeing. Try a refresh?
17:11 < shane> "Did you try turning it off and on again?"
17:11 < Hisham_RIPENCC> let me check for the video stream issue
17:11 < ripe265> yes, already did a refresh
17:12 < Hisham_RIPENCC> it seems to be working
17:12 < AlisonW> I'm watching the stream direct rather than via web page. Could be related to your issue?
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17:12 < ripe265> "connection failed". Which connection method is used?
17:13 < Patrick> just lost video stream again
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17:14 < AlisonW> if you can watch a network stream (eg in VLC) then use rtsp:// to watch
17:14 < shane> Isn't the branch/trunk system less robust?
17:14 < Patrick> back after refresh
17:14 < shane> (I know nothing of these things, just looking at the lines on the map...)
17:14 < ripe265> Here`s the complete error message: 201, Unable to load stream or clip file, connection failed, clip: '[Clip] 'ripe'
17:14 -!- mickod-2110-mbp [~modonovan@2001:67c:64:42:31c0:3e:f4d0:a8f] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds]
17:15 -!- AlisonW [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
17:15 < ripe177> ripe265: what link are you using for the stream?
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17:16 < bill> try the 'iphone' m3u8 stream in vlc, its working for me
17:16 < ripe265> hmm the rtsp link isn't working either. Maybe the connection to Port 1935 isn't allowed at the company firewall
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17:17 < alisonw> (oops ... knocked myself offline)
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17:19 < Hisham_RIPENCC> Alan Mauldin has asked for questions.
17:20 < alisonw> the earth is not flat, but nor is it a sphere. It is an "Oblate Spheroid" :-p
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17:20 < ripe165> ripe265: that stream is working fine over here, could be a problem on your end
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17:21 < alisonw> Hisham_RIPENCC: The camera on the main speaker is *massively* better quality than one on audience / questioner. Latter very blocky
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17:22 < shane> Geoff reports: banks are the problem with the Internet
17:22 < shane> ๐Ÿ˜‰
17:22 < ripe265> ripe165: i think Port 1935 is the problem. Is there a rtmtp (rtmp over http) Stream available?
17:22 < Hisham_RIPENCC> I can take that comment to the ops room after the session
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17:22 < prt-8676> Yu heard it here first folks, Geoff's Subsea Cable Co.
17:22 < alisonw> Company I used to work for had its own bank in Geneva.
17:22 < Hisham_RIPENCC> Any remote questions on the session ?
17:22 -!- RIPEIRC [~Frank_Mul@2001:67c:64:42:58b9:2022:8b49:39f3] has joined #plenary
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17:24 < ripe165> ripe265: unfortunately no rtmtp stream available...
17:25 < ripe265> hmm. When will the talk be avaible for download?
17:25 < alisonw> Going by earlier speaker though, it appears the money isn't to be made in laying the cable per se, but in connecting the cable to the local infrastructure.
17:26 < Hisham_RIPENCC> Wouter de Vries and Josรฉ Jair Santanna, University Twente, have begun the presentation "How Asymmetric is the Internet? A Study to Reinforce the use of Tracerouteโ€.
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17:26 < alisonw> hands up all who have suffered a DDoS attack.
17:27 * alisonw raises hand
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17:30 < ripe165> ripe265: the talks are available immediately after the speakers finish; you can find them either on the Plenary page: or the Archives page:
17:31 < ripe265> ripe165: Oh, that's nice! thx
17:32 < shane> You can also rate the talks on that first link. You *should* rate the talks on that first link. ๐Ÿ˜‰
17:32 < alisonw> would be nice to see the screen .. that we just missed
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17:34 < shane> I am surprised at how few routes are symmetric.
17:35 < alisonw> 1 in 8
17:36 < alisonw> I do wonder how dynamic that is though; how much is routing around issues
17:36 < shane> I have a feeling we're about to find out. ๐Ÿ˜‰
17:37 < alisonw> yes, I'm eager to hear more ;-P
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17:40 < Hisham_RIPENCC> Wouter de Vries has asked for questions.
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17:42 < alisonw> arguably, of course, the internet works better *because* it is asymetric. Physically more stable, anyway, but not for discovering/mitigating DDoS isues
17:43 < Hisham_RIPENCC> @alisonw Do you want me to read this out?
17:43 < alisonw> can do, but was more a comment / view
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17:45 < Hisham_RIPENCC> @alisonw: in that case Could you tell me your name and organisation please?
17:46 < alisonw> Alison Wheeler, The Creative Organisation
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17:47 < keith_nm> what Daniel said
17:47 < alisonw> Just had a thought: If only 1/8th is reflexive makes a mockery of the TV shows which show 'reverse tracing' via traceroute ;-P
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17:49 < Hisham_RIPENCC> Geoff Huston has begun the lighting talk "The Resolvers We Useโ€.
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17:51 < alisonw> sneaky. I like it.
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17:57 < shane> I knew that one day the US and China would merge, I just didn't expect it to be so soon... ๐Ÿ˜‰
17:57 < alisonw> French resolvers are because of UK ISPs
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17:58 < alisonw> but this is all REALLY interesting. Most interesting talk so far (in numbers terms and WTFs)
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17:58 < shane> Geoff gives interesting presentations, 90% of the time.
17:59 < alisonw> indeed.
17:59 < alisonw> #applauds
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17:59 < Hisham_RIPENCC> The presentation has ended.
17:59 < Hisham_RIPENCC> Job Snijders has begun the lighting talk "NLNOG RING SQA - Blazing Fast Partial Outage Detection".
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18:06 < Hisham_RIPENCC> Job Snijders has asked for questions.
18:10 < shane> "I look forward to your pull request on GitHub." Nice. ๐Ÿ™‚
18:10 -!- damien [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
18:11 < alisonw> we could really do with a "reverse traceroute" which display how you arrived at me, not how I get to you. Would be *so* useful
18:11 < alisonw> :-0
18:11 < Hisham_RIPENCC> Andrei Robachevsky has begun the lighting talk "How Can We Work Together to Improve the Security and Resilience of the Global Routing System?".
18:13 < alisonw> "tracerevroute" would be a DDoS target though ๐Ÿ™
18:13 < Habbie> wouldn't be an issue between ring members, of course
18:13 < davidc> ring-ssh traceroute `hostname -f`
18:13 < alisonw> yes, but not everyone is able to have access to that structure
18:13 -!- job [] has joined #plenary
18:13 < Habbie> hi job
18:14 < job> join the ring!
18:14 < Habbie> we were just discussing reverse traceroutes
18:14 < Habbie> join the ring!
18:14 < alisonw> I don't meet requirements
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18:16 < lochii> well, for reverse traceroutes, you could have the selected nodes keep these on disk, then after the outage, you can go ant retrieve these if you need them
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18:17 < job> let's take that discussion to #ring on IRCNet and leave this room to plenary discussion
18:17 < alisonw> lochii: which works fine for targets which you know you'll need to test/check in advance, but not on an ad hoc basis
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18:18 < Hisham_RIPENCC> Andrei Robachevsky has asked for questions.
18:18 < Habbie> shane, are you carrying DNS IS SEXY stickers?
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18:20 < Hisham_RIPENCC> This session has now ended.
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