
NRO/RIR reports
7 October 2014
9 a.m.

NICK HYRKA: Good morning, all you special people, you are looking very pretty to me.

Welcome to the early bird special, this is the last day of RIPE 69. My name is Nick Hyrka. I am the Communications Manager at the RIPE NCC. It has been a really cool week in London and you guys all made it special for the rest of us who put the meeting together for you. So, it couldn't have gone as well as it has without some support back home. So a big shout‑out to the support team there in Amsterdam. Also, I have a big thanks to our stenographers.

STENOGRAPHER: You're welcome.

NICK HYRKA: The best in the world. And we have been honoured to have the RIPE Chair Emeritus here this week, so I am pleased to see Rob here this week, and I thank you to Lynn for sharing him with us.

Okay. Onwards. We have the NRO/RIR reports, and first up from AfriNIC.

MADHVI GOKOOL: Thank you, Nick. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I am the Registration Service Manager at AfriNIC, and I will be giving you the AfriNIC update today.

So, at a glance, at AfriNIC we have about 36 full‑time staff. Results‑wise, we have issued about 9 million of IP addresses this year, I think, until we close at the end of the year we will have another 2 million of IPv4 addresses that will be issued as they are in the pipeline. As available pool, we have about 3 /8s left. And membership‑wise, we serve about 1,200 member organisations.

Regarding our membership base with IPv6, about 30% of them have an IPv6 prefix, but, as usual, the actual visibility on the Internet is 15%.

Regarding training, we are quite active in our region to train IPv6, to give IPv6 technical training, and this year in about seven workshops we have trained about 300 engineers in IPv6 deployment.

Regarding our membership trend, it grows every year, not as much as RIPE NCC, but it grows about less than 200 per year.

Some interesting projects that we have embarked on this year. For RPKI we are continuing the work being done regarding RPKI.

For the DNS Anycast service, we have about 20 ccTLDs using the service now. We embarked on the WHOIS database cleanup. This is still in course and based on the list that was recently circulated again, we will have this project again for this year, because there is quite some work to be done.

We also launched our routing registry earlier in August /September, and we also provided a WHOIS web update portal to our members and the community for them to use.

We also enhanced our MyAfriNIC, which is our member portal to have an integration with the billing site which was on a separate system. At least now our members can pay by credit card, can view their payments so they can follow their financial status with AfriNIC.

And we had also successfully launched a now portal for new membership and new resource requests so that it's more intuitive and the requesters actually get enough questions asked from them so that they can provide all the documentation while submitting their requests, it's not after, you know, we receive the requests, then we ask for the documentation.

Regarding the policies. We have five policies that will be discussed shortly at our face‑to‑face meetings. The out‑of‑region usage of AfriNIC number resources in which the authors are suggesting a percentage that shall ‑‑ that can be used outside our service region. There is also another policy that's longstanding in regard to the WHOIS database cleanup. There is an enhancement to the existing Anycast resource assignments in the AfriNIC region, that's been proposed. There is a new policy regarding AfriNIC service guidelines as well as a new policy regarding resource reservation for Internet Exchange points.

From this map, we have practically covered the continent ever since we were set up in terms of either going for meetings or having trainings, and we had quite a few sponsors that enabled us to reach out to our members, or the community in those regions.

In terms of development and cooperation, we have the FIRE initiative, which is a grant and awards programme and it gives the financial support of 10,000 US dollars to innovative projects, and we have three funding categories: innovation and access provision, development, and freedom of expression. So the FIRE is part of the Seed Alliance together with FRIDA, and ISIF Asia.

So some statistics regarding our African Internet summit. That was our first meeting of each year and this year it was held in Djibouti. We had quite a few ‑‑ it was a successful meeting with about 77 speakers and 63 participating countries, participants from 63 countries ‑‑ sorry.

Please, we invite you to join us at our AfriNIC 21 meeting which will be held in Mauritius in two weeks' time. And also, we would like to invite you to join us in celebrating our 10th anniversary.

Thank you four your attention.

NICK HYRKA: Any questions? Thank you very much.

Moving on, we visit APNIC. It's great to have our colleagues from around the world joining us today.

GEORGE KUO: Good morning, everyone. It's my pleasure to give you the APNIC update at the RIPE meeting. It's must say it's been a very successful great meeting and I really enjoyed it.

Many of you know that APNIC is the regional Internet registry for the Asia Pacific and we are serving 56 economies and currently we have 4,539 members, and we have 70 staff that speak, roughly, about 22 languages.

So what's new on IPv4, IPv6 and AS number?
We see that our IPv6 delegation took off in 2010 and since then it's been growing every year, and up until now we have made around, more than 3,000 delegations, and you can see that on this graph here, mostly we are giving out a /32 but there are some other sizes that we have been delegating and we do have a policy what we call one‑click IPv6 step allowed APNIC members who hold IPv4 to be able to request IPv6 block directly from MyAPNIC, which is our RIR portal, and they don't have to go through the usual resource request process. An IPv4 delegation, we are the first RIR that exhausted IPv4, as many of you know, so naturally we are the first one to give out v4 space from the last /8, which is 103. And since May when we received the returned space, we are also the first one to be giving out space from those address pools and you can see from the chart here, we have been quite busy in the last few months; the workload kind of went sky rocket in those three months, we were receiving lots of requests for people wanting more IPv4.

IPv4 transfers. We have been doing v4 transfers for a few years now and you can see that the transaction varies each month between 10 up to close to 20, and we are also doing the inter‑RIR transfer with ARIN. A couple of services that we do to support the transfer, which is the pre‑approval, because we know that the recipient in our region would need to justify the need for the address space they are transferring, so that allows them to be able to have the needs assessed in advance before they actually find a source to transfer, and after their needs have been assessed and approved, the listing service allows them to publish their needs on our website.

The AS number assignments. It's good to see that, in our region, we are seeing a lot more 4‑byte numbers being given out. One of the reasons is, by default, we are giving out 4‑byte but we also allowed our members to exchange if the 4‑byte doesn't work for them, so you can see that the rejection rate is quite low there.

Now, what's new on the policy development? We have a similar policy development process to RIPE starting with the needs proposed policy and discussed before the meeting, on the mailing list and in person throughout the meeting and also post meeting and so on, and the area that's actually been causing a lot of interest is the gauging consensus, because that's quite important for the policy discussion, to move on to determine whether it would be implemented or not. So, in the recent APNIC meeting we actually provided a consensus tools for the community an APNIC members to be able to use and hopefully would help the policy seat chairs' life easier in gauging policy proposal consensus.

So, the name of this tool is called CONFER: COmmuNity FEedback in Realtime. So if you are interested, you can take a look from our website to see how it works.

So what are the proposals, what's been implemented and ‑‑

I think on Wednesday Marco gave a very good overview of the different status from different RIR so I won't spend more time on this. There was one v6‑related policy that's been abandoned. And, so far, we don't have any other new policies being discussed, but we may see in upcoming few months leading up to the next meeting.

So, one of APNIC's mission is to support the Internet development in Asia Pacific region and we know a lot of important work that can be achieved by collaborating with the Internet community, so I'd just like to share some news that happened in this year.

APNIC Labs, as many of, you know, our lab continued to produce a lot of stats and graphs, and I trust the majority of you know the important work done by Geoff Huston and George Michaelson. If you haven't met them in person, they are here this week, so I encourage you to approach them and talk about interesting project they are doing in APNIC lab.

This map gives you an overview of the regional and global engagement that we are doing on various different areas. So I'll quickly go through them with you. APNIC also provide training service to say our members like the RIPE NCC. In our past survey, members always ask us to focus on training. We deliver training face‑to‑face and online. So far this year, we have trained close to 2,000 professionals and all the training materials a archived from our website any of you interested, feel free to access them.

Interesting development in our region is the network operators groups. We are seeing quite a number of them forming and some this year and we will be seeing more, but this time next year. It is an important ‑‑ it's good to see that people in our region are coming together especially this group of engineers, they are the one actually who make the Internet tick. It provides a good forum for them to share experience and exchange information and APNIC is really happy to see this and happy to support these network operators' groups. And we have supported them through either sponsorship or provide training and so on.

So, some highlights for the community development. We also provide engineering assistance and we have done projects in these places on a cost recovery basis. We also sign MoU with ICANN for the route server deployment and I think similar to what RIPE is doing, we also started to provide youth fellowship from our meeting in Brisbane this year.

Our members also been telling us throughout the survey that they like us to focus on security. So, now we have in a security expert, [Etlie Wahi], on board, working closely with our General Council, so they have been busy this year engaging with the REA community; also, the CERT community, not only providing outreaching training but we are also bringing them to our meeting so now we are featuring security track and we also have APCERT participating in our meeting programme.

ISIF Asia awards, the administrative centre for this, it is a grant, award to support technical innovation, social economic development in our region and we have been given out ‑‑ in this year we have given out five awards and 12 grants to various different economies, including Vietnam, Cambodia and Bangladesh.

For global cooperation, you can see it's been also an active year. We were we work closely with other RIRs in improving efficiencies, we are also doing IPv6 outreach and training and also very importantly, you'll know supporting the INR stewardship transition.

So that's it for my presentation. The next important event calendar in our region will be APRICOT 2015, and I invite you to join us in Japan in February next year and, if you can't make it, you can always participate remotely online.

And if any of you like to keep updated with what's happening in our region, we also have a blog, so do have a look, and, if you are interested, you could also be a guest blogger for our blog.

That's it. Thank you. Feel free to send me e‑mails if I haven't covered anything that you'd like to know, or tell us what you'd like to see in our next update. Thank you.


NICK HYRKA: No questions? Thank you, George. We'll travel to the United States now; next up is Aaron Hughes, an ARIN board member.

AARON HUGHES: Good morning. I am Aaron Hughes, I represent the ARIN board of trustees.

On the ARIN region update, the 2014 focus has not changed all that much. We are still primarily focused on the IPv4 deletion and IPv6 adoption. We have been working through the ARIN's IPv4 countdown phase and so we're currently in the final phase of that. We're continuing efforts in v6 outreach. And we're preparing for the increase in IPv4 transfers within the organisation.

This year, we have had an increase on customer conversation focus so there's been a survey that went out to all of the members, we got the results of that and we are working on implementing things to help fix the things that we heard back from the community.

We are doing continued development on integration of web‑based functionality. There is all kinds of increases in functionality there and online. And participation in the Internet governance forums.

The trends that we're seeing this year, we have got about a 20% increase in v4 requests compared to last year. And of course they are becoming increasingly complex primarily due to fraud and validation‑related things. There's an increase in the number of back‑and‑forth exchanges inside of tickets. So while just the number of actual exchanges for each ticket has gone up. And increase in fraud reports from the community. So there's been a lot for due diligence on requests and a lot for staff time required for these.

The overall operational improvements. We have put up some new online line training videos, there is one up on transfers at the moment and I know there is several in progress to go up on the site as well.

And working on the follow newspaper action items from the customer satisfaction survey.

Current v4 inventory is .5 9 /8s. On top of that there are about 9 /16 equivalents in quarantine that be sitting in either revoked, returned or held space. And the one /10 that was allocated for policy 4.10 dedicated v4 block to facilitate IPv6 development. 225 /24 micro allocations available. That detail is also available on the website. It will show you everything.

As you would expect, our percentages of v4 only members are going down. And the percentage of v4 and IPv6 allocation members are going up. So this is what we expect to see.

V4 market transfers, we have completed 91 there was of 176 prefixes ranging from a size /24 all the way up to a size 12 and 15 ASs have been transferred. A lot of these transfers have obviously been arranged through IPv4 brokers.

Inter‑RIR transfers. 42 completed to far, 54 prefixes. Similar size range /24 to 13 and all of those have been from ARIN to APNIC base on the policy thus far. Statistics also available at the URL below.

RPKI usage has picked up. You can see all of our numbers are going up and to the right with the exception of web delegated and up/down delegated.

Policy proposals. The detail is actually covered pretty well earlier in the week on everything outstanding. So you can certainly read through these. The only one that was missing from the summary earlier this week was there was a recently abandoned policy draft proposal 2013‑15 to allow inter‑RIR ASN transfers.

ARIN policy meetings. The next one is a policy consultation at the NANOG 63 in San Antonio, Texas. We look forward to seeing you there or you are welcome to participate remotely.

And any questions? Thank you very much.


NICK HYRKA: Thank you, Aaron. We'll go Latin now. For the first time, we have Diego Mena, a man of many hats down at LACNIC. He is the finance and administration manager.

DIEGO MENA: Hello everybody. I am the CFO of LACNIC. I am going to share with you some background information about our region, membership, resources and policy updates also, community engagement activity report and, finally, 2014 main issues and focus point for next year.

So, let's begin with some background information. We are one of the world's five regional Internet registries with a coverage area of 32 territories from South America, Central America and part of the Caribbean region. There are two national Internet registries: one in Brussels, NIC.BR; another one in Mexico, NIC.MX. Well, we are over 4,000 members just now, and we have 37 full‑time staff employees.

Let's go to membership growth. As you can see in the graph above, we have a significant increase in our membership. Basically, double our members in the last three years from 2,000 to more than 4,000 members.

Resources update. As you know we have IPv4 exhaustion Phase 2, we have two /11 IPv4 blocks reserved, one for soft landing and another for new members, with a maximum of /22 and a minimum of a /24. We have visited several countries during this year in order to create awareness of IPv4 exhaustion and to facilitate IPv6 transition in this period. So our inventory is .21 /8s.

A brief summary of our policies update. We break down our policies in two tables. The upper one, the green one, included implemented, reach consensus and end of discussion policies. And into the red and grey one, you can see policies that has been eliminated. So, Marco has just explained our RIRs policy update last Wednesday, so I'm going to continue.

Something about community engagement activity report. As you can see in between circle, you can see LACNIC meetings in black, in yellow IXPs, Internet governance activities in orange, in particular we had, in El Salvador this year, we had a pre‑regional meeting to produce to the AGF. Then IPv6 on security outreach in red. Training in purple, in particular we continue with initiative of AYITIC. That is we train trainers in IT. And last but not least, we have a regional fund for digital innovation for the Latin American and the Caribbean and under the umbrella of the Seed Alliance and in conjunction with others like AfriNIC and APNIC and also ISOC and IDRC.

Well, the last two slides. This one is about our main issues this year. Basically, transfers the IPv deletion. IANA stewardship transition process. Strengthening the central America and the Caribbean region, we had two senior public affair officers, one in Panama and the other in Trinidad and Tobago. We have trained more than 500 engineers attending to 10 workshops in more than eight countries ‑‑ nine countries, actually. So, we have carried out a customer service survey with a very positive results. Overcome 90% for this third consecutive time, and overcoming the barriers between 4,000 members last September.

And so what our focus point for next year: keeping a strong registry. Provide services that exceeds our members' expectations.
Improvements in the policies development process.
Further progress, making further progress in accountability and transparency.
IPv6 and security region deployments.
More training, more courses and more people trained.
And finally, next year, we have to prepare a new strategic plan for the three year period from 2016 to 2018.

That's all. Thank you very much. If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them.


NICK HYRKA: Thank you. Really pleased to have you and your colleagues with us this week.

That does it for the regions. Now we go global, and from the Number Resource Organisation we have the NRO Executive Council update from the secretary of the NRO, Axel Pawlik.

AXEL PAWLIK: Thank you, Nick. Good morning. We have heard quite a lot earlier this week about what the RIPE NCC is doing, we have seen what our colleagues are doing and I'm going to tell you what the RIRs are doing together because that's what the NRO is. It's the collaboration of the RIRs.

So, overview, you probably have seen some of that before. I won't go into the details; I have spoken to it in other presentations already.

So, like I said, the NRO is the RIRs working together. We signed an MoU in 2003. It's a very lightweight thing, basically we do things that we want to be seen to be doing together.

So the mission is to provide and promote a coordinated Internet number registry system, to promote the multi‑stakeholder model and bottom‑up policy development process in Internet governance, coordinate and do joint activities. Focal point for input into all of the RIRs at the same time. And, of course, we do fulfil the role of the ICANN Address Supporting Organisation as the NRO.

Focus areas, coordination, collaboration, branding and repositioning the NRO. There was a bit of a confusion for a while what the NRO is and we have seen some questions here. It is not incorporated. It's very lightweight. It's the RIRs.

And monitor and contribute to the global Internet governance discussions. That is a busy area and we have heard about that.

We have an Executive Committee. Currently, that's adequately for another six or seven weeks. As Chair, then it's me as secretary this year, [Anesto] as Treasurer, and Paul Wilson and John Curran as members. The secretariat again for a couple of weeks still by the RIPE NCC and then it will move on. We have an executive secretary, supporting all of us in our endeavours there. That's [Haman]. And we have a couple of coordination groups a little bit more formal on engineering and communications and stuff like that. Public policy for instance.

Again, it's relatively lightweight. We have a bit of staff cost there. Travel is maybe the main thing for the ASO. Address Council and the secretary. Communications outreach, going to trade shows and the like, and, of course, the big but very, very flat stable point there is our contribution to ICANN. That has never changed. It's always the same every year.

The budget, our the cost that is we share all together according to a formula that we agreed on basically on the size of the registry and the activities there, or the revenue if you can find that.

The Internet governance forum is one of our main outreach and focal points there. We have two people in the IGF, multi‑stakeholder advisory group, Paul and Paul. A participation, we have done in Istanbul, we always go to the IGFs in quite some force, it's important that we are there, that we are seen. We have a bit of a booth there. We also contribute annually funds to the IGF because we believe it is the important global Internet governance discussion forum there. It's very useful so we want it to be stable and continuing.

We have quite a lot of correspondence on our NRO website. I won't bore you we details of that but basically and transparency and all that. So all of that is available there.

Of course, currently the main ‑‑ one of the main focal points is the IANA stewardship transition. We have heard about that, I won't go into too much detail there, but, again, on the ICG we have Adiel and Paul as members there and we do coordinate at all the ICAN meetings with the regional vice‑president. So it's coordination. Collaboration also, you have, some time ago, a NETmundial statement, have you had ‑‑ but many of us have been earlier this year in, at NETmundial meeting, it's April, which we see as quite a success, but it's a one‑off as well.

Other developments, websites need to be redone occasionally so the ASO website is now. The RIR governance matrix we heard yesterday about that, that's something that goes on there as well and it's talked about a lot. And the NRO website has been updated regularly, as it should be. So there is information there on the IANA process of course, on the CRISP team now as well. So, that's basically this year for the NRO. If you have any questions, I'm happy to answer them. Otherwise, have a look at the website. Jim?

AUDIENCE SPEAKER: Morning. Jim Reid, still speaking in a private capacity. You might remember that, some years ago, there were discussions that the NRO should not have any kind of operational role and now we're at a stage where the NRO is employing somebody. Could be give a bit a background about how we are in a situation that the NRO has got to the stage where it needs somebody to be working full‑time because I don't know if there's been any kind of real explanation to the community why that's the case.

AXEL PAWLIK: [Haman], currently, the executive secretary, he is, and he remains, employed by APNIC, so there is no ‑‑ at the NRO. Basically with the amount of activities that we are doing globally in travelling around, going to that conference and putting up a stand there, that's something that we felt, and for the teleconference that we do, the minuting and all that, we believe it is beneficial to have somebody full‑time that looks after all of that and ensures that it goes efficiently and straightforward so that we don't have to run around like headless chicken. Thank you very much, have a lovely morning.


NICK HYRKA: Thank you. From the statistical side of the NRO world we have Ingrid from the RIPE NCC's registration department.

INGRID WIJTE: I said I'll be presenting the statistics report from the NRO together.

So, every quarter, we compile this report by the five RIRs together and it's an overview comparison of the numbers in the different regions and this is one is from the end of September.

So, looking at the total inventory of address space from v4, you can see that 91 are held by the central registry, those are the /8s that were issued but the regional Internet registry existed. 35 are not available. These are reserved by the technical community for special purposes. The RIRs together hold 130 /8s. And here, IANA reserve zero. At this moment, IANA holds approximately /10, /13 of the recovered address space.

Available /8s in each RIR. AfriNIC still has three /8. All the other RIRs hold a little bit less than one /8 and RIPE NCC is currently yet above one /8 after receiving a /11 and a /12 from IANA this year.

How was this distributed? You can see in 2010 and '11 there was a spike in APNIC. This was when they reached up to their last /8. Taken over by RIPE NCC following the same development and, at this time, it's LACNIC followed by ARIN that are distributing the most v4 address space.

This is the overview per LIR in /8: 35 for the RIPE NCC, 44 for APNIC, ARIN 31, 10 for LACNIC and almost 4 for AfriNIC.

ASN numbers: RIPE NCC still issuing most ASN numbers to the customers. Currently followed closely by ARIN and then APNIC.

And this is the total distribution per RIR.

Now, 4‑byte ASN. RIPE NCC is still issuing most 4‑byte ASN, but the other RIRs are quickly catching up. LACNIC is giving out a lot and also ARIN is now picking up quite a bit in that area.

And the overview again: 4,000 for the RIPE NCC, LACNIC 1,600, which is about 30% of the total ASN that they have given out. So it's especially high for them. 2,600 for APNIC, and ARIN 400, AfriNIC over 100.

Now moving over to v6 address space. This is the total overview of v6, and the RIRs are now issuing from the five /12s that they received from IANA out of the /3 from which they are allocating right now.

In the past years, there is a spike for RIPE NCC, and this is mostly due to the fact that, in order to receive address space from a last /8, you must already have requested your v6 allocation. LACNIC is following closely.

And this is the overview:

So, 8,000 for the RIPE NCC, which is quite a significant part of the membership that received v6 allocation; ARIN, APNIC and LACNIC, almost 3,000; and AfriNIC has issued almost 400.

PI assignments per RIR.
ARIN and RIPE NCC are issuing most v6 PI assignments. RIPE NCC started issuing PI in 2009, when the policy was accepted, and then that quickly took off.

This is the overview again: Almost 2,000 for RIPE NCC and ARIN; and the other ones, under 1,000 each.

And then, finally, the distribution of membership with v4 and v6. LACNIC and ARIN have now both over 70% of the membership with both v4 and v6, and the others are still a bit under 50% of their membership.

This is the raw data for this, these numbers, and if you have questions, comments, input, on what kind of numbers you would like to see from us, then please do let us know. Thank you. Any questions?


NICK HYRKA: Thank you. Next, we have the IANA update. We have got Kim Davies, who is the Director of Technical Services at ICANN. Welcome.

KIM DAVIES: Hello everyone, I am Kim Davies, as you heard. I am here to give the IANA update for this RIPE meeting.

We about a few different topics. Firstly, we have some new staff in IANA. We have just completed our annual satisfaction survey. I'll give you a quick update on number allocations, some key signing ceremony events and some updates on root management.

So this is the entire IANA department within ICANN. The last three people on the list are new. Firstly, I'll introduce [Marilia]. She is our new continuous improvement manager. Her job is to look at how we're doing things and work at how we can do things better. This includes doing annual surveys, we have a business excellence programme within the organisation, we are continuing to role that out within IANA and just generally tracking improvements to the service that we deliver to you.

[Andreas and Punki] join us as our cryptographic business team. Essentially, their primary responsibility is maintaining the root KSK but anything to do with cryptography and security within the team falls on them. Then the other ten are old hands at this point. This is the team that serves you in terms of the IANA functions.

As I mentioned, we just completed our third annual survey. Of note, when we put out the RFP for vendors to do this survey, we made it a requirement that they be dual stacked, so the website, the e‑mails, everything involved in interacting with customers were over IPv4 and IPv6. Of note, the last two years, we have done the survey with the exact same set of questions and the exact same responses. This allows us to, for the first year this year, do a like‑to‑like comparison with the previous year's results. So we are currently compiling those results. We expect to produce those results very shortly in the next few weeks. And publish the full report in January.

Now, we invited over 4,000 people to respond. This is largely to do with a large increase in the number of customers we have had to service in the last year. For those that aren't aware, in the last year we started processing requests for new gTLDs, this represents a brand new line of business for the IANA. We have hundreds of new customers that haven't interacted with us before. So this has resulted in a large number of customers that we serviced and ultimately surveyed for the previous year.

We also received a large number of respondents to the survey, 489, so this is a much larger sample size than what we have had in previous years and I think as a result, we have a better set of results to analyse from the responses.

The net take‑away at this point is that satisfaction amongst all our community members is trending upwards. We are very pleased with the result and we'll share it in more detail when we next meet.

In terms of number allocations. There's been 2 AS number allocations since RIPE 68. I think the RIPE NCC itself received 2 allocations prior to RIPE 68 and then since then we have given one allocation to LACNIC and one allocation to APNIC. Both of those blocks are comprised of 99 16‑bit AS numbers and the remainder being 32‑bit AS numbers. As a result, we have, currently, 29716‑bit AS numbers still remaining in our unallocated pool.

We made our IPv4 allocations from the recovered pool in the beginning of September as per scheduled. These were /12 allocations so we gave one /12 to each RIR. As a result of the diminishing pool, we expect the election block to be a /13, so half as many addresses, which we'll do early next year.

For those that aren't familiar with the process, we have a pool of reclaimed/recovered IPv4 addresses, and we have a schedule on March the 1st and September the 1st of each year running an algorithm on that pool to generate a randomly selected set of allocations to give equally to each RIR. We have published that formula online. It's open source, so it's repeatable. So anyone can go in and see the allocations that we are going to make even ahead of time.

Once we have done, run that script on the particular date, we communicate the results to the RIRs, we publish it in our registries and so on.

I heard in the session yesterday a lot of discussion about SLAs, KPIs and so on. It's probably worth noting that we currently do have performance standards that we report on on a monthly basis. As a result of consultations that we did in 2012, we got a lot of feedback from the community on what the SLAs for the variety of different services that we provide should be, including the allocation of number resources. Here is a screen‑shot of the KPIs associated just with number resources that we report on on a monthly basis. So that's there, and hopefully what we're publishing now will help informing the discussion on what that should migrate to in the future operating environment. So all of the different KPIs reporting performance standards and so on, all on our website; simply,

I mentioned at the beginning, it's been one year since we started delegating new gTLDs. We received the first request in October of 2013. In the one year since we started that, we have processed 428 new generic top‑level domains. So this has over doubled the number of top‑level domains that are in the root zone right now. 35 of those are new gTLDs. We put a lot of effort into automating that process, to streamlining it. So I'm pleased to report that, as a result of our preparedness, the process has been very smooth; in fact, we have actually reduced the head count working on root management to where we were a year ago and we're processing all those requests in a fairly timely fashion. And the response that we received in the annual survey from new gTLD respondents suggests that they are quite happy with the level of service that we have provided.

Just to drill down a little bit. This is again another screen shot from the various reports that we publish on a monthly basis. This is a snapshot from mid‑September to mid‑October. Our processing time for delegations/redelegations is about ten days. We did 26 of them in that particular period. For those that are familiar with TLD management affairs, might realise that, if you went back a few years, delegations or redelegations typically took in the order of months. So the fact that we have got it down to such a short period, I think is a very positive development.

Key signing ceremonies. We're custodians of private key for the root zone key signing key. What we do is, every three months we have a ceremony where we invite trusted community representatives to come and participate. We held our last key ceremony in August in California. Our next ceremony will be in just over a week in Virginia. These are essential to just the day‑to‑day operation of DNSSEC in the DNS, keeping the private key for the root zone secure, and trust is of paramount importance to us. We have been doing it now for over four years. At the magical five‑year mark kicks in a lot of discussion about certain aspects of how we manage that key. In particular, there was a commitment that, after five years, there would be consideration of doing a key rollover, in essence replacing the current root key with a different root key. So discussions are ongoing within the community on how to do that. There's a lot of considerations about how that should happen. Such as should the keys algorithm be changed, questions about should there be a standby key, what's the exact process by which it's done? So all very active discussion on facets like those. In order to help the process, ICANN held a workshop at our recent meaning, ICANN 51, but we expect those discussions to continue over the coming months to crystallise an approach that we can then execute upon.

So, if you are interested, there's also a mailing list, and I advise you to look at the proceedings from the recent workshop.

That's it from our update. Thank you. And I'm happy to answer any questions.


NICK HYRKA: Thank you very much, Kim. Is Nigel in the room yet? He is counting votes, you see, so ‑‑ Osama. So, we'll jump ahead one more slot, and we'll dive into the RIPE PC elections, representing the RIPE PC we have Osama.

OSAMA AL‑DOSARY: All right, so we have two seats up for this next Programme Committee, and we need you guys to vote for the candidates, and I want all the candidates that are in the room to actually come up here and say a few things about themselves. Anybody here? We only have mark us. All right mark us, you have an advantage.

MARCUS STOEGBAUER: Thanks a lot. Good morning, everyone, or everyone who is here yet. I hope you had a great evening last evening. I am Marcus Stoegbauer, I'm working for a small regional resource and education network in Germany, and basically I was just putting myself on the ballot because I think it should be an election, not an appointment of the members, so, at least you have a choice now and just for consideration I'm also running the Programme Committee for the ENOG meeting, the German network operators' group meetings, so I have a little bit of knowledge on how to select speeches and presentations and stuff like that. Thank you.


OSAMA AL‑DOSARY: Anybody want to come up and talk about Leslie or [Jao], say something about them? I don't think we have information published.

Two seats are available. You have to vote between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. today, and it will be announced right ‑‑ during the next session. You vote. So the link ‑‑ there's a link ‑‑ it's in the next slide ‑‑ if it's not on the next slide, if you go to on the RIPE 69, click on programme and then PC elections, the link should be there. I was told it's there. So any friends of these people that can come and say something? I like Marcus, he is very lovable, but I think he has a heads‑up now.

What we'll do is we'll come back after the end of this session, at the end, announce it ‑‑ we have one more presentation, and before the end of this we'll have the profiles up for you to take a look and to vote and the link will be up as well. I hope so.

NICK HYRKA: Thank you, Osama. In the meantime, and we'll come back to you, we will go to Nigel Titley, who will be speaking about the NRO NC nominations.

NIGEL TITLEY: As, you know, one of the NRO ‑‑ no, one of the ASO positions is nominated by the board. There are two elected ASO positions, and one board‑nominated position. We have had three nominations. You can self‑nominate or nominate. The three nominations were Wilfried Woeber ‑ who is the current occupant ‑ Nurani Nimpuno and Sander Steffann are the three candidates we have had. The board has thought quite long and hard about this, and has decided to select Wilfried for the next three‑year term. Thank you.


WILFRED WOEBER: Thank you very much for this indication of trust and I'll try to do as good as I can just like in the past. Thank you.

NICK HYRKA: Okay, Osama, you will be seeing it on the screen shortly. Sorry about that.
OSAMA AL‑DOSARY: All right. So it's‑pc/become‑a‑member.

And the link for the voting is, if you want to vote you click on the programme menu. You go to the RIPE Programme Committee and you slick on the bottom button called 'elections', and, in order to vote, you need to have a RIPE access account, which is easy to register if you don't have one and then you can vote on the candidates. Okay?

Between 10 and 11 a.m. please. Thank you.

NICK HYRKA: That was a bit of excitement. Well, then, that actually wraps up this session. Unless there are any other questions or comments, then we can break for the first coffee break. We'll see you at the next session, so thank you very much.

The general meeting results will be announced at 10:45. Thank you.

Coffee break.